Bosch MT Nordic
Bosch MT Nordic – Floor Display
Art Designs long-lasting partnership with Robert Bosch A/S, has resulted in plenty of exiting tasks. This time it was about Boschs product line for measuring techniques. The task was to expose the professional measuring equipment on a wall display, where the customer should be given the opportunity to try out some of the equipment’s functions, while there must be room for product information.
In addition to developing and manufacturing the display solution, then Art Design also handled the layout and production of brochures, which gives sellers and retailers a good opportunity to establish the optimal display solution in the store.
Floor DisplayThe opinion of Robert Bosch A/S
Kurt Olsen, Product Manager MT, said in this context that he is really satisfied with the achieved result. “This display solution that Art Design has developed, is both informative and flexible, but not least our products gets the wanted attention in the stores”. “An early test run showed that this investment could quickly pay for itself”
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